Dr. Nisreen Lahham
Regional Project Manager at International Water Management Institute (IWMI)

Dr. Nisreen Lahham is ranked as one of the world’s top female futurists. She is the founder and head of the Futures Studies Forum for Africa and the Middle East, a non-governmental organization aiming at reconnecting North Africa with its mother continent and the Middle East, through futures studies and trend scanning (North Africa Horizons).
Currently, she is a Regional Advisor to the international cooperation, education, and development agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), acting as the coordinator of the Nexus Dialogue Programme for the MENA region. Through her position, she promotes the Water-Energy-Food Nexus approach to policy and implementation. Previously, she was the executive manager of the Center for Futures Studies at the Egyptian Cabinet, and a member of the committee for “Future Vision of Egypt 2030”, at the Egyptian Ministry of Planning. Nisreen holds a Ph.D. in urban development and published several books and research papers in credible international journals. Her interests include foresight, environmental planning, food and water security, green communities, and the Urban Nexus initiative.
Phone number: +20-1223-271552
Skype: Nisreen Lahham