Pfizer UK Healthcare System Scenarios – Conducted trend analysis and horizon scan, facilitated collaborative sense making, and co-creation of a range of scenarios to support functional and corporate strategic thinking
UK Government Horizon Scanning Programme – Conducted horizon scans of key drivers, trends, and emerging developments covering technological change and broader societal factors.
Nokia Horizon Scan – Scan of critical drivers of change as part of a broader futures programme.
European Commission Futurium – Horizon Scan of Science and Technology Transformations Shaping the World in 2050. Identified and analysed 87 potential societal, business, and technological megatrends and developments shaping the operating environment in Europe.
PWC Review of Global Megatrends – Horizon scan of megatrends (drivers of change) shaping the next decade of business. Highlighted signals of “next generation” potential megatrends that could become prominent within five years. Used to drive PWCs global future of work scenarios.
Hotels 2020
Sky TV Horizon Scan and Scenarios – Horizon scan and development of lifestyle based scenarios. Explored the lives of families in the future, including their work, social lives, and spending habits.
Heathrow Airport 2050 Horizon Scan – Strategic themes, drivers of change, underlying trends.
Video interview with Rohit for Simply Communicate on the future role of internal communications

Research Services
As supplement to our consultancy services, to both support and inform our offering, we create bespoke research packages that include identification and analysis of future trends, drivers and shocks. This often works in conjunction with our consultancy services, equally, depending on your needs it may be a standalone piece of work. We have produced reports for a multitude of industry sectors. We draw on original research, interviews and surveys and apply the tools of future scenario and foresight planning to reach our conclusions.