We are delighted to announce a number of ways in which we’ll be sharing the contents of A Very Human Future – Enriching Humanity in a Digitized World which is being published on October 17th, 2018.
To find out more about the book please watch Rohit’s Launch video here
As a thank you gesture to our clients, partners, friends, and network contacts, we are delighted to offer a 40% on the purchase price of the print and electronic versions of the book on both our website and Amazon. To take advantage of this offer, visit our website www.fastfuture.com before midnight PST on October 16th, select the book from our bookstore, the discount is applied automatically. The discount does not apply to shipping costs. For orders over 20 copies please contact
Please click here to watch Steve’s launch video
There has been phenomenal demand for us to deliver keynote presentations, workshops, and leadership retreats to share and build on the content with clients and public events around the world. We can deliver sessions tailored to the needs of the intended audience in both English and Spanish. Our talks draw on the key themes of the book – which include:
- A New Landscape – How the rise of digital is changing the nature of lifestyles, society, government, global business, and industry competition
- Embracing the Exponentials – The potential evolution, applications, and impacts of key exponential technologies and developments such as AI, blockchain, and human enhancements over the next 5-20 years
- Rewiring Mindsets – Placing customers, employees, and mindset shift as the centre of strategies to differentiate our firms in a digitized and automated world
- Futureproofing the Organization – Changing mindsets, developing foresight, raising digital literacy, building capability, and increasing curiosity, flexibility, and resilience,
- Securing A Very Human Future – Practical and radical policy options and experiments to help individuals and society survive and thrive in the transition to the smart economy
- Extraordinary Leadership – Developing leaders’ abilities to help their organizations navigate a rapidly changing reality.
If you would like to discuss how we might customize a talk on A Very Human Future for your organization or event, please contact
Click here to watch Helena’s launch video
Launch Events
We are pleased to confirm the first of a series of launch events around the world for A Very Human Future.
October 16th 10.10am Helsinki – Steve Wells will be doing a morning pre-launch of the book at the 6th Global Summit on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks https://neuralnetworks.conferenceseries.com/scientific-program
October 17th 10.25am (London – Free) – Rohit will deliver a morning launch presentation on the book at Basware Connect: Superfinance – the rise of mind and machine https://www.basware.com/en-gb/events/basware-connect-2018?account=36727&
October 17th 4.30pm (London: Finnish Ambassador’s Residence – Free) – Rohit will deliver an afternoon launch presentation on the book at Keto Software’s Smart Factories London 2018 event http://www.ketosoftware.com/news-grid/
October 18th (Brighton – £50) – Steve will deliver a launch presentation at The MD hub Brave New World event https://www.mdhub.co.uk/brave-new-world/
October 19th – Private client event Albuquerque New Mexico
October 22nd 6-9pm (The Vortex Dome Los Angeles – Free) Rohit will deliver a US Launch Event https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-very-human-future-us-book-launch-1022-tickets-50980769855?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
October 23rd 6-9pm (Porsche Downtown Los Angeles – Free) Rohit will deliver a second US Launch Event https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-very-human-future-us-book-launch-1023-tickets-50981604351?aff=ebapi
October 25th (London – closed event) – Steve will share the insights at the AIIM Leadership Summit
October 28th (Dubai – closed event) – Rohit will share insights from the book at the Indosuez Middle East Private Client Summit
November 17th (London Futurists) – Rohit and Steve will share insights and facilitate discussion on the core themes https://www.meetup.com/London-Futurists/events/255402909/
A series of other events are scheduled and being planned for November through to Mid-2019 – details will be announced in due course.