50:50 Scenarios for the Next 50 Years

50:50 – Scenarios for the Next 50 Years


Introduction – The 50:50 Project

Fast Future Publishing is taking this opportunity to ask future thinkers from around the world to submit proposals to share their thoughts with us on scenarios of how the future might play out over the next 50 years. Our aim is to publish 50 perspectives on the next 50 years from 50 different future thinkers around the world.

Fast Future Publishing develops our books using an exponential publishing model and we have completed the successful launch of our first two books – The Future of Business (top five per cent of all business books in its first year), and Technology vs. Humanity (Amazon bestseller within one week of launch).

We are inviting chapter proposals for the book and are keen to hear from new and established thinkers alike. Preference will be given to those who have both the strongest proposal and the most energy to support the promotion of the book to a global audience.


The book is designed to have the broadest possible scope and will be edited by global futurists Rohit Talwar, Steve Wells and April Koury. We aim to explore potential future scenarios over the next 50 years across a range of topic areas – including:

  1. Macro perspectives on the future
  2. People and demographics
  3. Being human and the boundary between humans and machines
  4. Values, ethics and beliefs
  5. Civil society – education, healthcare, communities
  6. Leisure, entertainment, media, and sport
  7. Government, economics and legal systems
  8. Peace, justice, security and conflict
  9. Travel and transport
  10. Energy and environment
  11. Industries of the future
  12. Business, work and jobs
  13. Science and technology – current, emerging and yet to be created

We seek a balance of contributions in terms of the topics and time frames covered over the next 50 years, and the age and gender of contributors. First time authors are welcomed as we seek input from a broad range of future thinkers around the world. Each chapter will be a maximum of 1,500 words in length and should be designed to make the content accessible to the widest possible audience. Contributions can look at any period over the next fifty years and could be in the form of scenarios, stories from the future, development timelines, and predictions of how particular domains might play out.


As the nature of chapters might vary considerably, we are not being too prescriptive; however, the following guidelines do apply:

  1. Keep the description of the current situation and context to a maximum of 20% (300 words)
  2. Be clear about the time frame you are considering e.g. next 10 years, next 20 years, by 2045, 40-50 years
  3. Write for a generalist audience – assume no prior knowledge of the topic
  4. Make it clear if you are basing your chapter on research, emerging thinking or presenting a more speculative vision of the future – all are equally acceptable.

The following links contain guidance on writing futures scenarios, as well as a few examples:

  1. A fairly in-depth introduction to scenarios with a step-by-step guide: http://forlearn.jrc.ec.europa.eu/guide/4_methodology/meth_scenario.htm
  2. Scenario samples from IFTF: http://iftf.infielddesign.com/uploads/media/IFTF_SR1388_GFOFuturesFood.pdf
  3. Scenario samples from our book, The Future of Business: http://dizzydev2.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Mobile-2030-Scenarios.pdf
  4. A few different approaches to writing a scenario: https://www.fastcompany.com/1560416/futures-thinking-writing-scenarios (the downloads no longer exists, but the overview provides a quick look at the different approaches)

Guidelines for Contributors

Please use the link below to submit a 500-word topic outline and the proposed structure of the full 1,500-word chapter.

Authors must commit to playing a very active and regular role in promoting the book to their networks and contact base before and after publication.

  1. We seek original content and won’t use anything that has been published elsewhere
  2. The book is aimed at a general non-futurist audience
  3. This is not an academic publication – we will not include case studies or research reports
  4. Contributions cannot promote products or services
  5. Authors can re-publish their contributions three months after publication

We will provide a structured format and template for those invited to write chapters.

Contributor Benefits

Participation in the book gives new and established authors the opportunity to be profiled to a global audience who may not already know you or be familiar with your work.

  1. The book will be marketed directly by Fast Future Publishing to over 2 million contacts around the world and via our regular newsletters
  2. Each individual contributor will also be promoting the book to their own networks
  3. Contributor profiles will be shared on the Fast Future Publishing website
  4. Our PR campaign will focus on highlighting topics and contributors in the book, driving the potential for media coverage for individual authors
  5. Each contributor will be invited to submit a comment about their topic and the book which will form part of the launch press release and be captured on the Fast Future Publishing website
  6. Contributors have the opportunity to create a short video on their chapter which will be carried on the Fast Future Publishing YouTube Channel
  7. Each chapter and contributor will be highlighted individually in our social media marketing campaign
  8. Contributors will receive one free copy of the book in both print and electronic form
  9. Contributors will be able to nominate five individuals who will receive a free electronic copy of the book and be invited to supply a testimonial and / or review the book
  10. Contributors will receive a personal discount code giving their contacts a discount of 10% on the list price of the book
  11. Contributors will receive a commission of 20% of revenue for any purchases made using their discount code
  12. Contributors can buy additional copies of the book at a discount of 50% on list price (plus shipping for the print version)
  13. Contributors may be invited to speak at events organised by Fast Future Publishing
  14. Fast Future Publishing may generate speaking opportunities for individual contributors
  15. Fast Future Publishing is happy to write supporting testimonials for all contributors.

Contributor Commitments

The effective development and publication of this book relies in the commitment of the contributing authors and we ask that:

  1. The Contributor hereby grants and assigns to Fast Future Publishing Ltd (Publisher), the sole and exclusive right to print, publish, and sell the Contributor’s submitted chapter in full or shortened versions in any language, in printed and digital form in any country or territory
  2. The Contributor is the sole originator and proprietor of the chapter; that the content has not heretofore been published in any form before
  3. Copyright of the content, if not heretofore registered, shall be held and retained by the Contributor
  4. The Contributor warrants to the Publisher that the work does not violate the right of privacy of any person; that it contains no unlawful matter; and that it does not infringe upon the copyright or violate any other right of any person or party
  5. The Contributor agrees to deliver draft and final versions of their chapter, in digital format (Word 2013 or earlier versions) to Fast Future Publishing, on or before the agreed due date
  6. The Publisher reserves the right to make reasonable editorial changes or deletions to the submitted chapter to ensure quality and consistency in the final consolidated work
  7. The Publisher shall have the right to use, and to license others to use, the Contributor’s name, image, likeness, and biographical material for advertising, promotion, and marketing of the work.

Contributor Agreement

Please note that submission of a chapter for inclusion in the book shall be taken as the Contributor’s agreement to the Contributor Commitments as listed above.

Submitting Your Proposal

To help ensure the success of the book, we would like all the contributing authors to play a full role in promoting the book. The proposal submission form includes compulsory questions on the following:

  1. Your personal details, social media links, your full profile as you want it to appear on the book website (250 words), and a short profile to appear in the book (25 words)
  2. Chapter title (up to 10 words), synopsis (500 words), and chapter structure
  3. The size of your personal networks
  4. Which publications, other networks, channels, and bloggers do you think we should approach to help raise awareness of the book?
  5. 3 additional specific actions you will take to help promote the book
  6. Additional actions you think we should be taking to raise awareness and promote the book.

Please use this link to submit you 500-word chapter proposal for 50:50: Scenarios for the Next 50 Years: 


The proposal responses can be edited after you have exit the proposal form. Using the same device on which you began the proposal, simply click the above link to reopen and edit your previous responses.

We look forward to hearing from. If you have any questions please contact:
Project Manager – Steve Wells – , or
Series Curator and Co-Editor – Rohit Talwar

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