I am delighted to announce our latest free foresight paper that we have launched today.
Positive Futures: People, Planet, Robots? Is sponsored by UiPath as part of its focus on the theme of ‘automation for good.’
This short paper explores how automation is helping, and can contribute in future, to deliver on ‘good’ in the broadest possible context – as defined in the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) . The paper provides insights, case examples, and possibilities in three key areas:
- Technology’s cross cutting role across all of the SDGs
- Specific ways in which automation technologies can help deliver on some of the individual SDGs now and in the future; and
- Critical actions around automation that can help move the SDG agenda forward.
To receive this foresight paper and register for the free webinars, please visit:
We hope you find the paper of interest!
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