We have delivered talks to clients and events around the world including include 3M, American Express, Barclays, Bayer, BP, Citi, Deloitte, DeutscheBank, EE, Emaar, Emirates, EY, GE, IBM, Intel, KPMG, Microsoft, Nokia, Novartis, O2, Orange, PWC, Pepsi, SAP, Sara Lee, and Tata.

Our Speakers
Many of our authors are also speakers at events – as a collaborative organisation we foster strong relationships with all our authors and content creators – If you would like to make a speaking inquiry with us or one of our authors then please contact Rohit at Rohit@fastfuture.com.
Rohit Talwar
Global Futurist, International Keynote Speaker, Strategic Advisor, Writer, CEO of Fast Future
Steve Wells – Associate Speaker
Global Futurist, International Keynote Speaker, Strategic Advisor, Founding Director Informing Choices
Upcoming Events
Post-Pandemic Scenarios for Air Transport - April 23rd 15.00 -17.00 BST (FREE)
April 23, 2020
Aftershocks and Opportunities Webinar 3 Post-Pandemic Scenarios for Air Transport – Study Launch Thursday April 23rd 15.00 - 17.00 BST (Free) Air Transport has been heavily disrupted by COVID-19. So, how might the aviation ecosystem evolve amid the turbulence and future uncertainties? In this session, Rohit Talwar will launch new research by Fast Future and Future Travel Experience. He will present findings on COVID-19 Air Transport impacts, explore the near-term outlook and scenarios, and discuss implications and priorities with industry leaders.
April 30, 2020
Amid the pandemic disruption, critical questions arise on the implications for government and governance. Questions also arise over global institutions’ scope and capacity to act and whether a new digital era ones requires new structures and mechansisms. Nationally, democracies question whether unity governments should replace party divides. Others face choices emergency powers, when to relinquish them, and ensuring oversight. Operationally, many are learning how to run parliaments, government, and governance remotely. Finally, with electronic mechanisms introduced to tag, track, and trace, civil liberties issues also arise over state surveillance. Secondary questions also emerge over regulation of private sector operators of such services.