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Dating 2025 – Fast Future’s Life in 2025: “Say Hello Say Goodbye” Scenarios

By Rohit Talwar, Steve Wells, and Alexandra Whittington

Fast Future’s Life in 2025: “Say Hello Say Goodbye” Scenarios were developed in partnership with Huawei Consumer Business Group. This latest scenario explores how a range of exponentially advancing technologies such as AI and big data could transform the world of dating.

The next five years will see AI take the possibilities for dating to a new level. Dating apps could tap into information on our lives from across the web and social media, to enhance our composed profile. Algorithmic analysis of our health, attitudes, behaviours – on and off-line – combined with our communication styles, interests and preferences, dislikes, desires, and dreams – would enable a constantly updated profile, automatically matched to other app subscribers to save us time on scanning and swiping profiles.

Friends could vote on the AI’s “swipe rights” to confirm its choices. Matching could become much more refined based on intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual attributes, maybe even predicting the likely relationship length and the potential for longer term compatibility. Our smartphone-based AI could even read the reviews from previous dates and highlight those with a high compatibility probability. Optional DNA and health matching could alert for potential genetic risks should the couple decide to enter a relationship and have children.

Say goodbye to…

  • Swiping right – as apps become increasingly automated, we can authorise our AI to make decisions on our behalf.
  • Difficult dating decisions – The outcomes of DNA / health matching could provide the perfect excuse if “you’re just not that into him.”

Location based searching will use the power of 5G to help the AIs of potential matches passing each other on the street to determine if their owners should meet. The technology would also use our profiles to suggest an ideal first date, time, activity, and location. For those that want more say, a “Netflix for dates” would suggest restaurants based on biological data, DNA tests, Myers-Briggs profile, and other available digital data. Poor compatibility will no longer be to blame for bad dates or break-ups. Furthermore, learning to take more personal responsibility for our behaviour in relationships should improve the dating scene in general – because the feedback on our dates will be available for subsequent analysis.

Say goodbye to…

  • Bad date nights – as the sophisticated multi-faceted matching managed by AI should ensure a much higher chance of the two people connecting well on a first date and subsequent ones.

On the date, AI technology could suggest discussion topics via an earpiece or projections onto our digital glasses and contact lenses. It could highlight important body language cues and vital microfacial expressions from the other person that we might miss. Our AI could also perform continuous analysis of our date’s voice and language to assess their emotions and desires – steering us towards or away from topics, while providing insights on how to ask for a second date.

The technology could also relay real-time information to our inner circle of friends – collating and prioritising advice from them and professional dating advisors across the web. We need never be lost for words or misinterpret a cue again. Instantaneous translation could also mean that language need never be a barrier to dating.

Say goodbye to…

  • Misunderstandings throughout the lifetime of a relationship – because the AI in our devices will be analysing our conversation and our thought patterns, to help spot when we are misinterpreting the other person, or not understanding what is really being said.


The authors are futurists with Fast Future – a professional foresight firm specializing in delivering keynote speeches, executive education, research, and consulting for global clients on the emerging future and the impacts of change. To arrange a presentation on the Life in 2025 scenarios please contact

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You can find summaries of the ten scenarios here



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